St. Michael’s
Pre-School and Afterschool is a not-for-profit community based early years’ and
school aged childcare facility located in St. Michael’s National School in
Ballyfermot. The purpose of the service is to provide affordable, accessible
early years education and school aged childcare to children in the community. We are open daily from 9.10am-12.10pm- for
Preschool and 1.30pm-3.30pm for Afterschool. We open 42 weeks per year. We
cater for children from 2 years 8 months – 12 years. We have the capacity to
cater for 42 Preschool Children and 80 Afterschool Children. We are defined as Sessional under the Child
Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016. St. Michael’s Pre-School
is governed by a Board of Management and operated by a manager, Ailsa Whelan.
Opening Hours:
9:10am - 12:10pm
/ Pre-School
1:30pm - 3.30pm /
After School
42 / Pre-School
80 / After School
Age Range:
2 years 8 months - 5 years / Pre-School
4 - 12 years / After School
1: 11 / Pre-School
1:12 / After School
High Scope / Play Based
Kylemore Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Phone numbers:
086 0852422 / 01 6263556