
This service is committed to offering the children in its care a comprehensive High Scope / play based curriculum. This is combined with other good practice methods.

This service offers a range of learning opportunities to children, which are appropriate to the child’s stage of development. The service is fully committed to being guided by the principles of Síolta and the curriculum framework Aistear.

We recognise how important high quality early childhood experience can be in children’s lives. This Curriculum aims to encourage active learning, problem solving, effective communication, creativity and socialization. It aims to give children a good start which will benefit their long-term success in life. This service recognises the diversity of experiences and relationships that shape children’s lives.  

The team at St.Michael’s Preschool implement a Highscope curriculum in line with the Aistear and Síolta National Quality Frameworks. This enables us to creative an inclusive and meaningful learning environment, developed on the emergent interests of the children, in partnership with parents, families and the community. Please find more information below.


The Highscope Approach has been shaped and developed by over forty years of research and practice. The core belief of Highscope centres around the importance of children actively learning through meaningful play experiences created from their emergent interests. The Highscope Approach strongly supports the development of children’s interactions, independence, curiosity, creativity, problem-solving skills, routines, cooperation, resilience, decision making skills etc.

The children’s learning and development is guided by the eight content areas and 58 Key Development Indicator’s (KDI’s) of the Highscope Preschool Curriculum -

Here is a useful website for more information about Highscope J

For further information about the Highscope Approach :

HighScope Daily Routine examples: